LOCAL and national papers play a vital role in our democracy, breaking stories in the public interest. Yet they are under siege from the BBC and web giants.
So we welcome the major Cairncross Review into the future of journalism, which urges action on both.
The BBC's ever-expanding online news empire has been calamitous for local papers in particular. A broadcaster gifted £4billion a year in public money must not be allowed to crowd out and destroy commercial rivals with coverage far beyond its remit.
Ofcom must take it in hand, as the review recommends.
Meanwhile news publishers get a fraction of their fair share of money from ads sold alongside their content when accessed via Facebook and Google. A new deal is vital, overseen by a regulator.
You would expect The Sun to fight our corner.
But with industry revenues in freefall this is about the survival of journalism itself — and the chilling prospect of a Britain without a diverse media holding the powerful to account.
Culture Secretary Jeremy Wright must take notice . . . and act.
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