The National Disability Insurance Scheme has “lost its way” and needs far greater reform than just weeding out crooks to ensure it remains sustainable, the Albanese government concedes.
NDIS Minister Bill Shorten, who helped establish the scheme when Labor was last in government, will use a pre-budget speech to the National Press Club to assure those in need that the scheme is “here to stay”– but badly in need of a “reboot”.
“And that will not be easy. It will take time and require the kind of collective effort you showed during the campaign to fight for the NDIS in the first place,” he will say, according to extracts of his speech.
Mr Shorten will speak of unethical service providers using the disabled as “cash cows” to line their own pockets and damage the reputation of the entire industry.
In addition, it is understood that broader structural changes being contemplated include tying funding to achieving results for participants, rather than the volume of services provided, and moving participants to longer-term plans rather than annual plans which rise in cost each year.
The NDIS long ago exceeded its original forecast maximum annual price tag of about $25 billion and will cost the budget $35.5 billion this financial year. Unchecked, that will reach almost $90 billion a year by 2032.
About 585,500 people are NDIS participants, including 10 per cent of boys aged between five and seven. About 6000 people are joining every month.
Treasurer Jim Chalmers confirmed on Monday the NDIS, barely a decade old, was second only to interest payments on debt as the fastest growing demand on the budget.
Arguing the scheme suffers from waste, inefficiency and inflationary costs, Mr Shorten says: “The hard truth is this: the NDIS is not what it should be. It is not delivering the outcomes Australians with disability need and the Australian public expects”.
He will canvas work already under way such as the 38 fraud investigations being conducted by a special taskforce covering $300 million in payments, as well as efforts to reduce the “warehousing” of NDIS participants in hospitals.
Apart from being “an insidious violation of human rights”, Mr Shorten will say this is an immense waste of hospital resources.
Since the last election, discharge delays have been reduced from 160 days to 29 days, saving the hospital system about $550 million a year.
Cash cows, junk therapies
But much greater fundamental reform is needed to keep the NDIS sustainable and return to its originally intended purpose.
He will say unethical practices go beyond tackling criminal syndicates and extend to gouging by service providers who effectively use the disabled as “cash cows”.
Mr Shorten will flag a crackdown on “junk therapies” which, he says, “offer little or no value to participants or desperate parents”.
Other unethical practices include pressuring participants to ask for services or support ratios they don’t need; spending participants’ money contrary to their plan; asking for or accepting additional fees for a service; and offering rewards for taking particular services not on a participant’s plan.
“Untrustworthy providers taint the reputations of quality service providers who work hard to support participants, and are meeting their registration and compliance obligations,” he will say.
“Participants who have been preyed upon by these unscrupulous types have reported feeling ‘de-humanised’, exploited as cash-cows.
The level of autism diagnoses is also likely to come under scrutiny. About one third of the participants have been diagnosed with level two or three autism, raising suspicions about the veracity of all the diagnoses.
Under a deal struck by the Gillard government to get the states on board, the scheme would be funded on a 50:50 basis with the Commonwealth liable for any blowout. The Commonwealth is now paying 71 per cent of the cost of the scheme and, sources said, it may try and renegotiate the deal with the states at the end of this year.
Mr Shorten will say the fact the NDIS has outlived the government which introduced it shows it could be a great reform, but the scheme has “lost its way”.
“To enable the NDIS to each its potential, we need to, in essence, reboot,” he will say.
“The system is too rigid. It throws up Kafkaesque barriers to access, lacks empathy, gouges on prices, is too complex, and often traumatising to deal with.
“As a consequence, people with disability often feel they are caught between some predatory providers on one hand and an impersonal government agency on the other.″
The May 9 budget is expected to contain some measures, and not wait until October when Mr Shorten will receive the results of a review co-chaired by Melbourne Disability Institute chairman Bruce Bonyhady and former senior Australian public servant Lisa Paul.
After the last election, Mr Shorten ridiculed cost blowout predictions as akin to the weapons of mass destruction claims made about Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.
Significant change in tone
But amid alarm from his cabinet colleagues about the spiralling cost of the NDIS, which is growing at 13 to 14 per cent a year, Mr Shorten has undergone a significant change in tone.
Former prime minister Scott Morrison warned two years ago the NDIS was becoming unsustainable and wanted to independently assess participants to weed out waste and rorts. He was opposed by Labor, the states and the sector – and backed off.
Three weeks out from delivering his third budget, Dr Chalmers said it was important “we get better value for money for the participants”.
“We are enthusiastic supporters clearly, of the NDIS. We want to make sure the money’s going where it needs to go,” he said.
Dr Chalmers stepped up warnings to lobby groups asking for extra spending at the budget not to get their hopes up.
He confirmed that a special welfare Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee, chaired by former social services minster Jenny Macklin, had recommended increased support for single parents, many of whom, predominantly women, have struggled since the Gillard government cut the parenting payment in 2012.
Ms Macklin was the minister at the time.
Dr Chalmers tempered expectations. “I think people understand that we can’t do everything at once, we can’t do everything that we would like to do. There are more good ideas than there is the capacity to fund them,” he said.
“And so we will go through the recommendations of that report... in a methodical way with a premium on what’s responsible and affordable.”
Commodity price upgrades
He also confirmed the budget would contain increased commodity price forecasts to reflect the reality that ultra-conservative forecasts of recent years, such as an iron ore price of $US55 a tonne, were just that.
The effect of a higher commodity price assumption would be a one-off increase in revenue forecasts over the four-year forward estimates, while future budgets would benefit less from unanticipated revenue upgrades.
Dr Chalmers said it was not about ramping up the number to make the outlook appear rosier, as Labor did when last in power.
“There are good reasons to maintain a conservative and cautious approach when it comes to those commodity price assumptions. I’ve received the advice from the Treasury about how we would go about that,” he said.
“My inclination is to accept the recommendations of the Treasury.”
2023-04-17 11:30:00Z
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