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CoronaCheck #46
With lockdown easing in Melbourne, low case numbers recorded nationwide and most state borders set to re-open by Christmas, COVID conspiracy theorists have turned their attention to the most visible remaining preventative coronavirus measure in Victoria — masks. We've taken a look at a claim that "no mask, no entry" policies in Victoria are illegal, and check what the latest fact checks are saying about mask safety.
Also in this edition: in a break from wall-to-wall US election coverage, we've gone to London to bring you the latest death statistics and case numbers from the UK.
Did health officials in Victoria update their directive on mandatory mask wearing?
A document purported to have been issued by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) suggesting businesses could be breaching discrimination laws by refusing service to non-mask wearers is being shared widely across Facebook.
The document claims that DHHS directives, issued on October 11, warned that Victorian businesses displaying "no mask, no entry" signage or that refused service to those not wearing a mask were in breach of Commonwealth discrimination laws.
"Signs saying 'no mask, no entry' are a breach of section 6 & 24 of the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act," the document notes.
But does the document originate from the DHHS, and did the department update its advice on October 11 in relation to masks?
Well, no. A DHHS spokeswoman confirmed to Fact Check that the department was not the source of the document.
"This is not an official DHHS legal document," she said, adding that it was "important that information about coronavirus is obtained from trusted medical sources, such as state and Commonwealth government websites".
The department did issue new directives relating to face coverings on October 11. The changes, however, did not relate to anti-discrimination laws, as the document circulating on Facebook suggests.
Rather, the update makes wearing a "fitted face covering" mandatory, whereas previously, Victorians could use any type of cloth face covering, such as a bandanna.
As to the document's claim that a refusal of entry or services to someone who is medically exempt from wearing a mask constituted a breach of the Commonwealth Discrimination Act of 1992, experts told Fact Check such a case would need to be tested in the courts.
Piers Gooding, a research fellow at the Melbourne Social Equity Institute and University of Melbourne Law School, told Fact Check it was possible businesses refusing entry could be in breach of such laws but that it seemed unlikely.
"It could potentially be considered 'indirect disability discrimination' to outright refuse entry to people who are not wearing masks when some people may have a legitimate exception that is directly related to their disability," he said in an email.
Dr Gooding explained that "indirect discrimination" occurred when a business or entity had a blanket rule that precluded some people (in this case, those with disability) from accessing the premises or service, and then failed to make reasonable adjustments..
But he noted there were several complicating factors that could exempt a mandatory mask policy from discrimination laws — in particular, provisions for the protection of health and safety.
Dr Gooding said that, ultimately, this would need to be determined by the courts.
Belinda Smith, an associate professor of law at the University of Sydney, told Fact Check that businesses were in the difficult position of having to balance multiple legal obligations when it came to enforcing face coverings on their premises.
"It causes some problems because the store owner has obligations to not discriminate, and also ensure the health and safety of workers and customers while also complying with the health directions."
She added that questions of discrimination normally came down to "tests of reasonableness".
In the Victorian context, where health directives explicitly exclude those who have a medical exemption and do not require them to provide evidence, a blanket ban enforced by a business could be deemed unreasonable and found to be in breach of the Commonwealth Discrimination Act.
"The law says that if you impose a requirement or condition of entry that particularly impacts people with disability, then the requirement or condition must be reasonable."
Dr Smith added that in high-risk locations (for example, medical settings), this could differ and may be considered reasonable.
The latest on masks
While genuine medical conditions make it difficult for some people to mask up, rampant online misinformation may be playing a role in why people are resistant to face coverings.
Take, for example, a claim shared on Facebook that mask wearing causes similar symptoms to COVID-19 due to the presence of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), a synthetic material used in the making of non-stick cookware and more commonly known by the brand name Teflon.
Fact checkers at Lead Stories found that while some masks were sprayed with PTFE, health problems associated with such masks would not arise until temperatures hit 300 degrees Fahrenheit (149 degrees Celsius).
"Mask wearers would suffer bodily tissue degradation, similar to cooking, well before PTFE might become a concern," Lead Stories noted.
Meanwhile, fact checkers at AFP have been busy debunking a number of claims stemming from a viral German-language video in which a neurologist suggests wearing a mask could cause neurological damage.
In claims translated into English and shared widely on Facebook, Margareta Griesz-Brisson posits that not only do masks fail to protect against COVID-19, but mask wearing could also lead to oxygen deficiency, carbon dioxide intoxication, and the killing of brain cells.
However, experts told AFP that masks were capable of blocking air-borne particles carrying COVID-19, and that wearing a mask had no effect on oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the body. This, in turn, meant nerve cells in the brain would not be harmed.
The fact checkers also found there was no basis to a claim shared on Twitter that most deaths that occurred during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic were the result of bacterial pneumonia caused by mask wearing, a fact of which US infectious diseases expert Anthony Fauci was supposedly aware.
"The unmasked buried the masked in the 'Spanish Flu'. What did people in #masks die from?," queried a Twitter user. "Bacterial pneumonia. Who knew this and wrote about it in 2008? Dr. Anthony Fauci."
Speaking to AFP, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), of which Dr Fauci is the director, said the apparent source of the claim "has nothing to do with masks", adding that the study "analysed data from fatal 1918 infections and showed that the majority of cases were associated with secondary bacterial pneumonias".
From London
With experts estimating that as many 100,000 people a day could be contracting COVID-19 in England, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has placed the country into a one-month lockdown during which people may only leave home for essential shopping, exercise, education or work.
The decision comes amid a slew of widely shared misinformation about the severity of the pandemic in the UK, with a number of claims regarding the "true" death toll spreading online.
Full Fact took a look at one false claim circulating on Facebook, YouTube and WhatsApp that suggested just 21 people were dying of COVID-19 each day in England, while other illnesses were responsible for hundreds of deaths a day.
The fact checkers found that while the figures shared for the number of daily deaths caused by cancer (450), Alzheimer's (192), heart disease (174) and stroke (99) were in the ballpark, at the time the claim was shared to Facebook, 142 people diagnosed with COVID-19 were dying each day on average.
The fact checkers also found that the UK as a whole was not on track to record a lower-than-average number of deaths in 2020.
"Unless deaths decline sharply, the UK death toll is likely to be its highest in decades," they concluded.
Fact checkers at Reuters also debunked a claim suggesting the number of Brits who had died of COVID-19 was as little as 1,438, finding the figure in fact referred to the number of people with no underlying health conditions who had died of COVID-19 in English hospitals.
According to the fact checkers, as of October 27, there had been 61,116 deaths involving COVID-19 across the UK.
In other news
Scott Morrison's plan for a gas-led economic recovery has alarmed some scientists and political figures, who say such an approach will only add to the challenge of tackling climate change.
In a recent tweet, Greens leader Adam Bandt said coal and gas must be kept in the ground "to have any chance of stopping runaway global warming".
"Gas is as dirty as coal," Mr Bandt claimed.
RMIT ABC Fact Check this week deemed that claim to be oversimplified.
While the methane contained in natural gas is significantly more potent than carbon dioxide in terms of its impact in warming the atmosphere, the debate in Australia has primarily focused on using gas to generate power, particularly to back up — or "firm" — intermittent renewable energy.
For electricity generation, gas is, on average, less emissions-intensive than coal, even after factoring in "fugitive emissions" lost in the transportation of gas, as well as other "upstream" and "downstream" sources of emissions linked to power generation.
Analysing the 2018-19 emissions data for 82 gas and coal-fired plants, Fact Check found that on average, gas generators were found to be significantly less emissions intensive than those fired by coal.
The averages, however, masked significant variations in the performance of individual plants, which show that gas is not always cleaner than coal for power generation.
For example, Australia's "dirtiest" gas plant, Barcaldine in central Queensland, produces almost double the emissions per kilowatt hour of electricity generated than Australia's dirtiest brown-coal fired plant, Victoria's Yallourn power station.
Moreover, the analysis is clouded by scientific uncertainty relating to fugitive (and deliberately released) emissions linked to the extraction, processing, storage and transportation of gas.
Edited by Ellen McCutchan with thanks to Sonam Thomas and Marco Holden Jeffery
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2020-11-05 21:55:00Z
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