
From 'pinch-me' to 'relentless' — the children of Australia's prime ministers speak out - ABC News

Malcolm Turnbull's son loathed it. Bob Hawke's daughter describes it as an "incredible privilege." Christine Milne's son says it allowed him to see the very best — and the very worst — of society.

Australia's grown-up children of political party leaders have varied experiences and views on what it's like to live inside that unique goldfish bowl.

Now, they're opening up on the highs and lows of being forced into the political spotlight — and the advice they'd give anyone in the same position.

'It's brutal'

Alex Turnbull, the son of former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, doesn't mince words when it comes to having a parent in the top job.

"You're an instrument to be used, a crowbar to be levered," he tells the ABC. "Absorbing that is hard."

Though he was in his 30s and living abroad when his father took office, he admits it affected his relationship with his parents.

Malcolm Turnbull sits on the grass with wife, his adult children and their partners, and two babies, smiling at the camera
Alex Turnbull, the son of former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, doesn't mince words when it comes to having a parent in the top job.(Facebook: Malcolm Turnbull)

Conversations became shallow and stilted, he says, and he "couldn't properly talk" to his parents, for "fear someone was listening".

To be on the safe side, when his dad was in office, telephone discussions were generally limited to the welfare of Malcom Turnbull's grandchildren.

"You basically have the same sort of limited conversation you'd have in witness protection. 'How are the kids?' That's it," Alex says.

At the beginning, he says, it was all an "unpleasant, nasty shock", and he made what he now considers to be naive assumptions.

"I'd mistakenly presumed that if you were absolutely clear you wanted nothing to do with it, that'd result in it having nothing to do with you," he says. "I was wrong."

Today's tone is reflective and more jaded.

Headshot of Alex Turnbull, smiling, against a black background
Alex says he "couldn't properly talk" to his parents, for "fear someone was listening".(Twitter: Alex Turnbull)

It is an experience, he muses, and "all experiences change you".

"And if you have to become harder and darker in your thinking to protect yourself, that'll stay long after time in office," he says.

"You have to see the brutal relentless nature of the whole system for what it is. It's why many have mixed feelings about going into politics"

'A pinch-me nine years'

Perhaps it's because her dad governed in a pre-internet era. Perhaps it's because Bob Hawke had (slightly) less fierce factional party opponents to deal with. Or perhaps it's her different outlook. But Sue Pieters-Hawke has different reflections.

"You're incredibly privileged in that you have exposure to observing stuff not many people had the opportunity to observe — and that's fascinating if you're a political tragic like me," she says.

Pieters-Hawke was 26 years old when her dad was elected prime minister and recalls their lives changing overnight.

The sense of responsibility suddenly imposed upon her father was "massive", she says.

"It wasn't like winning a sports match where you go crazy and celebrate," she says. "I had a sense my life would change — but didn't know how."

That sense became clearer the very next day, when they flew on an RAF aircraft to Kirribilli House.

"It was a pinch-me nine years, really," she says. "You never take it for granted."

From the "more magaziney" moments, like when the Royals visited, to witnessing the "extraordinary talent in Dad's cabinet", Pieters-Hawke says she's grateful to have encountered so many "impressive people" along the way.

But even before her dad took office, there were eye-opening moments, she says — such as the time she "smoked dope with the daughter of a conservative politician".

Bob Hawke and Sue Pieters-Hawke look at a newspaper's front page
Pieters-Hawke was 26 years old when her dad was elected prime minister and recalls their lives changing overnight.(Supplied: From Remembering Bob)

She demurs when I ask who. "That's the distinction between public interest vs the right to privacy," she says. "I decry the blurring of that line in journalism."

Unlike Alex Turnbull, who laments the "stilted" calls he had with his father, Sue Pieters-Hawke reflects fondly on the intimate conversations she would have with her late parents.

"They'd tell you quietly about who impressed them," she says. "You wouldn't go blabbing — but you knew you were hearing something most people wouldn't get to hear."

Death threats and police protection

Even if your parent isn't the PM, things can get pretty intense.

Tom Milne, 35, was just four years old when his mum, Christine Milne, got into politics.

She was part of a new, and to many threatening, movement — the Greens.

Tom Milne, 35, was just four years old when his mum, Christine Milne, got into politics.
Tom Milne, 35, was just four years old when his mum, Christine Milne, got into politics.(Supplied: Tom Milne)

She co-founded what's now regarded as the world's first Green party in Tasmania (there are now 90+ Green parties worldwide) and went on to become only the second female leader of a federal political party in Australia — and the only female leader of the federal Greens.

"They were disrupting an old political system with two major parties and interrupting a Tasmanian economy reliant on logging, forestry and jobs brought in from the pulp mill," Tom Milne says.

And some people really didn't like that.

Picking up five seats in 1989, resulting in a hung parliament, Christine Milne served as part of the Labor-Green Accord, forming government in a power share agreement.

But it wasn't to last. In what her son describes as a "gerrymander", the two major parties later voted to restructure Tasmania's parliament from 35 to 25 seats, increasing the quota of votes required to be elected to the Tasmanian House of Assembly.

They knew this would hit the Greens and it did — reducing their five seats to just one. Milne lost hers.

Christine Milne sits next to Tony Abbott
Christine Milne was the second female leader of a federal political party in Australia — and the only female leader of the federal Greens.(AAP: Lukas Coch)

Tom Milne remembers the "pivotal moment" well. Despite the pain his mum must have been feeling, she was gracious and composed, he says.

"We were at Wrest Point casino hotel and I remember this big escalator mum had to go up," he says. "Blinding, bright lights were shining everywhere. TV cameras were in her face. There was cheering but also booing.

"And I just remember mum delivering this amazing, classy speech where she thanked everybody. That taught me the meaning of strength."

Christine Milne led the charge for gay law reform in Tasmania for nearly a decade, and in 1997, it was her Bill and famed negotiation skills that decriminalised homosexuality in the state — a poignant achievement for her son Tom, who is gay.

"I'm so proud of mum," he says. "She stood up for what she believes in — even when it was unpopular. I really believe she's had to work a lot harder than a male in politics would."

Tom Milne, his mum Christine and Bob Brown.
Tom Milne remembers the "pivotal moment" when his mum lost her seat.(Supplied: Tom Milne)

Her stances won her political enemies. Liberal MP Michael Hodgman called her "the mother of teenage sodomy", one of many slurs Tom Milne remembers.

But it wasn't just the two major parties who had beef. There were death threats against her family, Tom says. "Cops parked outside the house for her security. At one point we got moved into a different house as it wasn't safe at home."

The abuse felt very personal for him. Bullet holes were put through her posters during the 1997 debate on the decriminalisation of homosexuality. "People on the street would hurl abuse. 'F***ing Greenies'. Kids would pretend they had chainsaws to chop you down," he says. "But mum was strong and determined we'd have as normal an upbringing as possible."

Learning from the best

While the trio admit that having a parent in the top job can be a tricky path to navigate, they've picked up some important lessons along the way — particularly from their parents.

Sue Pieters-Hawke remembers the first time, aged 12, she beat her dad in an argument.

"I was thrilled," she says, laughing. "He conceded and gave me this rueful smile. Trained by the master! You raise your children well and they'll use it against you, that's how it goes."

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Sue Pieters-Hawke shares stories about her father Bob Hawke.

For Tom Milne, his mum — who has been arrested for protesting about the Franklin Dam — taught him how to form an opinion and to have the courage of his convictions.

"She's always said to me, go and do the work. Meet people from different walks of life. Really understand a topic before you have an opinion on it," he says. "And do that by listening to the science and facts, not slogans."

For Alex Turnbull, the experience has taught him an invaluable lesson in resilience and toughness.

"It's amazing how people leave you alone if you fight back occasionally," he says. "Most of them cannot take what they dish out."

Advice for others

Looking back, Sue Pieters Hawke admits her father's role made her cautious about meeting new people, and even today, Tom Milne is aware of certain expectations of him.

"You know when someone leaves the room they'll say: do you know whose son that is?" he says.

"It requires a certain amount of measure around conversations and who you trust. You're never going to be on top of everything your parent says — but will constantly be asked about it whether you want to or not."

So what advice would they give to anyone in their situation?

Sue Pieters-Hakwe is sympathetic: "I think it's very tough to have young children in the current media climate of scrutiny, especially with social media," she says.

Alex Turnbull's advice is more sobering: "Ban your social media presence," he says. ""It's all exploitable collateral."

Gary Nunn is a freelance journalist. You can follow him on Twitter: @garynunn1

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