Former High Court Judge Dyson Heydon was known as "Dirty Dyson" and "Handsy Heydon" due to his lecherous behaviour towards young women students at Oxford University.
The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age revealed on Monday that an independent inquiry by the High Court found Mr Heydon had sexually harassed six associates and that other women including a judge and the former head of the ACT Law Society alleged he indecently assaulted them.
Mr Heydon through his lawyers has denied all the allegations against him.
Former High Court justice Dyson Heydon was found in an inquiry by the High Court to have harassed six associates.Credit:Ben Rushton
The Herald and The Age can now reveal claims about his behaviour extend to Britain where he is the subject of allegations, including inappropriate touching.
Following his mandatory retirement from the High Court in 2013 aged 70, Dyson Heydon sought out a teaching position at the prestigious English university, where he had studied on a Rhodes scholarship in 1964.
His three-year appointment at the Faculty of Law was greeted with excitement within the university, according to documents released under freedom of information laws.
"We would wish to be very careful to keep an appropriately high standard of distinction for Visiting Professors; in our view, Justice Dyson is most clearly a lawyer of the highest academic distinction," stated Law Faculty Dean Timothy Endicott in April, 2013.
Professor Endicott noted that Heydon was "not merely" a judge of "great distinction" but also a lawyer of "particular academic distinction", "a leading figure in the law of evidence and the pre-eminent Australian authority in the law of trusts".
Mr Heydon's lectures were scheduled to occur early each year from 2014 to 2016 inclusive. However, allegations about his behaviour would cast a dark shadow over Mr Heydon’s tenure.
"My first introduction to him was that all the Australian law students at Oxford called him 'Dirty Dyson', that seemed to be the moniker he had widely," one former student said.
One of Mr Heydon’s postgraduate students, whom the Herald and The Age have chosen not to name, was so upset and angry about Mr Heydon’s harassment of her in the Bodleian Library, that she complained to the university.
The university decided not to renew Mr Heydon’s visiting professorship. In heavily redacted documents released to the Herald and The Age under FOI, the reason for the university's decision was not apparent.
"The Personnel Committee has already taken a decision that Dyson Heydon should not be renewed," stated Oxford Law Faculty Dean Anne Davies in an email dated June 1, 2016. "We have written to tell him this."
Mr Heydon’s post, which included free economy airfares to Oxford plus salary and rent, had barely begun before the first alleged harassment occurred.
Elizabeth Houghton, an Australian law graduate, alleges she was harassed by Dyson Heydon at Oxford University.
It was January 21, 2014, and 27-year-old West Australian Elizabeth Houghton was in her second year at Oxford, studying for a Masters. The student decided to sit in on property and trusts seminars taught by Professor Heydon. Ms Houghton attended the first class, of about 12 mostly male students, just after the Christmas break.
"People have to understand the power dynamic," Ms Houghton told the Herald and The Age. As the retired judge was introduced to the class, the tone was set "for the pedestal he was on and the respect he commanded" with a discussion about "which honorific we should use" to address him, she said.
Mr Heydon singled her out on that first day, Ms Houghton said, and asked her to join him at lunch following the seminar. She understood it was a lunch with other students but arrived at Quod, an elegant restaurant on Oxford’s High Street, to find she was the judge’s only guest. He had already ordered wine and refilled her glass as they discussed her research.
"He was very friendly at that first lunch and that was it," she said. "Then we went to leave, and he said ‘Oh, I have to make another lunch booking’."
"He turned to me, and said ‘The same time next week?’ so I realised he was talking about having lunch with me," she says.
The waiter needed a mobile phone number for the booking, so Mr Heydon asked Ms Houghton to supply hers.
"Then he got out a pen, and said ‘Oh, I’ll take that down at the same time’," Ms Houghton said.
The next morning, Ms Houghton woke to a missed call from Mr Heydon.
He left a message saying: "Hi Elizabeth, this is Dyson Heydon, it was really lovely to meet you, I would like to have lunch with you again today."
"I thought, OK this is weird now," she said. She arranged with a male friend to pretend they had pre-existing plans for a casual sandwich lunch, and Mr Heydon ended up joining them.
She let her male friend Thomas Pontre, a fellow student, do most of the talking. The Herald and The Age have corroborated Ms Houghton’s account with Mr Pontre, now a government lawyer in Perth. Contemporaneous messages between the pair confirm Ms Houghton complained about Mr Heydon’s conduct when it happened.
The next week, she attended Mr Heydon’s seminar again. As it ended, he walked past her and said "See you at lunch at one", and left the room.
Ms Houghton felt under an obligation, so she again turned up at Quod, telling Mr Heydon that she was sick, so she would sit at a distance from him.
"He leant over and put his hand on my leg, and rubbed it, and said in a leering way, ‘We can’t have you being ill’.
"Then he put his hand on my upper thigh. My brain just froze, it was like a white-out, alarm bells. I made my excuses and left."
Ms Houghton, who is now practising as a barrister in London, never went back to Mr Heydon’s seminars. She stopped using her allocated desk in the law library, because the former judge had sought her out there before. She studied in other libraries to avoid him. She never complained to the university.
"In the months after he left Oxford I discovered he was notorious for this kind of behaviour," Ms Houghton said. "I was disappointed in the fact that people can behave like that and get away with it for so long."
The Herald and The Age have been told Mr Heydon harassed another student the following year, leading to his early dismissal from his Visiting Professorship. Another former Australian student studying law at Oxford told the Herald and The Age she was warned about Mr Heydon’s propensity to harass young women.
Now a member of the bar, the woman said Mr Heydon was "a bit of a celebrity, particularly for the Australian students". She was initially excited to have a former judge as her professor but said she was cautioned by others about Mr Heydon.
"People would warn me about not shutting the door behind me and not to have tutes alone with him," she said.
"I was always being warned by men too, not just women, who seemed to know about it.''
She avoided being alone with the former judge and he did not behave inappropriately towards her.
Another added he was known as "Handsy Heydon".
Yet another former student said she was "warned" not to be alone in a room with Mr Heydon during his Oxford professorship.
"Are you crazy?" one woman said to another post-graduate Oxford student when he suggested they should try to get into Mr Heydon's tutorial. "We avoid his tutorials, none of us want to be left alone with him."
Oxford University declined to comment, saying that such allegations "are always dealt with in confidence".
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Jacqueline Maley is a senior journalist, columnist and former Canberra press gallery sketch writer for The Sydney Morning Herald. In 2017 she won the Peter Ruehl Award for Outstanding Columnist at the Kennedy Awards
Kate McClymont is an investigative journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald.
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